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Lights, Camera, Action at Lawnhaven!

Couples are forever asking for the perfect outdoor environment without the worries of weather.  I found it – Lawnhaven at Stroudsmoor.

Yes, I am prejudiced, as Stroudsmoor is my first choice for all things wedding, but take a look at why Lawnhaven is the perfect environment for an outdoor wedding . . .

Its Grand Lawn hosts the ceremony – where verdant gardens create the feeling of being tucked away in the woods . . .

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Formal photos are taken steps away from the ceremony site in one of many beautiful locations in the footprint of the venue . . .

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No matter where you enter Lawnhaven, your arrival is stunning . . .

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Plan B for a rainy or (too) sunny day ceremony is just as beautiful at Plan A . . .

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Cocktails are served under the pavilion on the Grand Lawn and dancing in Lawnhaven Proper – featuring walls made of glass to create the perfect outdoor reception without the worries of weather . . .

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So, lights, camera, action . . .

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What’s not to love about Lawnhaven!

Come see Lawnhaven bedecked for a wedding at the November 12, 2017 Wedding Sampling Event at Stroudsmoor.  Reservations are Required.

Wedding Sampling Reservations

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